Information about the company Park Urtijëi Srl


Welcome to the website of the company Park Urtijëi Srl with sole shareholder. The company is mainly involved in the management of the Central Garage at Via Stazione 1 in Ortisei, the management of the Setil parking lot at the Ortisei - Alpe di Siusi cable car, and owns the property that houses the Tennis center in Roncadizza.

Garage Central

Garage Central is owned by the Municipality of Ortisei and Park Urtijëi Srl is in charge of its management. For more information visit the page dedicated to Garage Central.
Garage Central

Parking Setil

The Setil parking lot is owned by the tourism promotion company and the Municipality of Ortisei has the right of surface. The company Park Urtijëi Srl takes care of the management. For more information visit the page dedicated to the Setil parking lot.
Parking Setil

Tennis Center in Ortisei

The Ortisei Tennis Center located in Roncadizza at Via Arnaria 3 is owned by the company Park Urtijëi Srl and the company also maintains it. It is managed by the Ortisei Tennis Club. The Tennis Center hosts annual tennis tournaments of international significance, and has indoor and outdoor courts that are available year-round to tennis enthusiasts. Inside the facility is a fitness gym, a physical therapy studio, and a sports climbing wall. Also outside is a sand volleyball court (Beach-volleyball). For more information visit the following link:
Tennis Club Urtijëi

Company information

The company was established on 15.11.2000 and the management system was implemented with a single administrator.

The Municipality of Ortisei is the sole shareholder and holds 100% of the company shares.
Summary of corporate composition and other holders of rights to shares or stock as of 03/24/2009.


The chart and table represent a summary of the company's corporate composition (ownership shares are summed by owner and then rounded).
It should be noted that only the list of shareholders, available below the summary table, provides the complete and detailed corporate situation as filed.

Member Value % Type of right
Municipality of Ortisei 00232480210 15.000,00 100% Properties

Corporate purpose (extracted from Chamber of Commerce certificate):

The company Park Urtijëi Srl with sole shareholder has as its object.:

  • a) The design, construction, and management of parking garages, parking garages, sports facilities, and paid parking lots;
  • b) The analysis and solution of problems concerning mobility, the management of parking areas, the construction and expansion of parking lots in general, including bicycle and moped parking lots, with attached access facilities and works, information technologies aimed at decongesting traffic in urban centers;
  • c) The design and/or installation of systems, including electronic and numerical systems, for the regulation of parking, including parking meters.
  • d) The implementation of technological systems for the integrated management of access and/or payment for services.
  • e) The exercise, in any form, of activities similar, related and pertaining to those listed so far without limitation, including explicitly commercial and industrial activities related to the activities listed above; all with the express exclusion of any reserved professional activity.